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Code Of Conduct




This Code of Conduct outlines the behaviour expected of everyone including individuals from outside organisations who interact with the Day Centre through its activities. The underpinning principles of the code are that:


• the welfare of everyone is paramount, regardless of whether they are clients, volunteers or
  individuals from outside organisations who interact with the Day Centre activities;


It is the responsibility of everyone to behave with dignity, respect, integrity and maturity.



This Code of Conduct will:


• help to protect all participants of the Day Centre from abuse and/or inappropriate behaviour from other individuals;

• clarify the standard of behaviour by all.


This Code of Conduct is intended to provide a minimum framework for safer working practice for all attendees whether they are Volunteers, Clients or individuals from Outside Organisations.



It is the responsibility of all attendees at the Day Centre to ensure that their behaviour meets the standards of this code of conduct at all times. Any breaches of the code must be reported:

Anyone attending the Day Centre, including but not limited to Volunteers, Clients or Individuals
from Outside Organisations, can report breaches of the code of conduct to:


Lead Safeguarding Officer:  Jackie Williams. -  07990 565515

Deputy Safeguarding Officer:  Nicola Finley O’Riordan   -  07802 678255

Lead Safeguarding Trustee:  Ian Foster  -  07913 709809


This Safeguarding team will escalate immediately to the Chair of the Executive Committee and as appropriate to the Management Team.

A referral may be made to a statutory agency i.e. the police and/or the local authority or adult social care department or the Charities Commission if the behaviour alleged has breached the code of conduct and constitutes a safeguarding allegation.

All reports will be recorded and kept private and confidential and will be maintained for a period of 5 years.



It is essential that everyone:

Upholds this code of conduct, and safeguarding policy and procedures, at all times;

Treats everyone with dignity, respect, integrity and maturity without prejudice or discrimination and avoids favouritism;

Uses language which is appropriate and is not bullying, offensive, intimidating or
discriminatory on the grounds of: age; disability; gender reassignment, gender identity; race; religion or belief; sex, sexual orientation; marriage and civil partnership; or due to a person’s pregnancy;

Carefully considers any physical contact required and ensures that physical contact is   appropriate and not unnecessary or unjustified. Be aware that physical contact may be misinterpreted,
no matter how well intentioned;

Considers the way in which you offer comfort and reassurance to a distressed individual and do it in an appropriate way;  remember not every individual who is distressed will require comforting;

 Never touch anyone in a way which may be considered indecent;

 Ensures that if any kind of physical support is required during any activities, it is provided only when necessary in relation to the activity and that this is done in a way that other colleagues can observe them and in a way that the individual is made comfortable;

Maintain appropriate conduct and avoid threatening or potentially violent behaviour that may 
lead an individual feeling anxious or frightened.

Challenges unacceptable behaviour and reports all allegations and suspicions of abuse regardless of the status of the adult(s) involved.

Ensures that allegations or disclosures about abuse are taken seriously and reported to the Safeguarding team.



Everyone representing the Day Centre must take particular care that their status and power is not used, or may seem to be used, inappropriately to influence adults at risk or to cause them harm.

When engaging with adults at risk representatives are considered to be acting in a position of trust. A relationship of trust can be described as one in which one party is in a position of power or influence over the other by virtue of their work or the nature of their activity. It is vital for any person in a position of trust to understand the power this can give them over those they work or volunteer with or represent and the responsibility they must exercise as a consequence of this relationship.



At all times respect an individuals right to personal privacy. 

Ensure that all contact, interactions and communications are appropriate and relevant to the work of the Day Centre.



The Day Centre acknowledges the positive impact and involvement that social networking sites such as Facebook and WhatsApp can have on the interaction of the community with the Day Centre.


However, we also recognise the dangers and potential risks that online activity can pose for all who interact with it. In order to safeguard everyone we ask you to observe the following:


1. When communicating online observe the same rules of behaviour as if speaking with them in person. Be professional, polite and respectful;

2. Do not swear or say anything (using the written word, images or icons) that could be regarded as sexual innuendo, bullying, intimidation or discrimination;

3. Ask whether the content of the message could be misunderstood or misinterpreted by someone else;

4. Always ensure the content of any online communication has a clear ‘work’ purpose.

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